How To Maintain a Healthy Relationship Whilst Selling Used Panties

Sahm_i_am By Sahm_i_am 5254 views 3rd Mar 2021

Seller Tips For Sellers Sellers’ Perspective
How To Maintain a Healthy Relationship Whilst Selling Used Panties

How To Be a Panty Selling Team

The adventure of selling on a used panty site can be a very exciting and rewarding experience. The allure of the unknown and providing items for strangers is one that must not be gone about in a nonchalant fashion. For those who are in or are considering being in a relationship while providing for customers on a site such as this, there are several considerations that will need to be covered in order to maintain a healthy relationship during your time selling.

Sometimes I Have Extra Money I Can’t Account For & He Loses a Lot of Underwear…

I first found All Things Worn through a social media video. I was taken aback at how the girl in the video so effortlessly folded (presumably) her man’s underwear and the text read “sometimes I have extra money I can’t account for and he loses a lot of underwear.” I was intrigued and did my research.

We are a very open couple and he supported me trying to do something to help ease my constant need for sexual attention as well as make a little cash! What I wasn’t prepared for was when he said I “think I could do that.” My response was “well, actually the video that got me started was a woman who seems to be making a decent return on selling her husband’s used underwear on the internet.” I didn’t really know what to think of my husband on a site for men selling used items to men. We started out basic and quickly realized the benefits of being a Premium Seller and so he signed us both up and off we went.

Getting Advice From a Male Perspective

Initially it was all me. Pic sets, panties, the normal new girl mystery was all around me and since we do communicate so well he helped me navigate what I was and wasn’t willing to do. I turned to him for advice on what men wanted to hear and see aside from what was already a norm for us in our bedroom. It wasn’t long after his first sale that he said that it was easy and before I knew it, my sexy dad bod husband made a couple of posts and had men from all over the world messaging him with requests. Some ‘fairly extreme’ ones for our level of kink. He was just doing what I had set out to do as far as have fun and add some cash to our account so I couldn’t (didn’t want to either) say no.

Helping My Husband Set Up His Own Account As a Male Seller

I’ve helped him in pics and poses. Shaving and picking out “sexy” new underwear that his customers request. I’ve been his stand-in for activities requested by folks. It’s all about balance. He has been my male talent on many occasions and has always been a supporter of mine. I’m on a KETO diet and wellness journey right now that has been very much focused on positivity in my life and being more open. If you need any kind of confidence boost in your life, dive into this community and enjoy all the wonderful people that love all different kinds of bodies and kinks.

There is something for everyone. I have said to him before that I personally don’t think we can or should do this as a full-time job. You (yes you reading this right now) might be but we are not wired that way. We are in this lovely space where we are going to play and explore anyway. Since we enjoy ourselves so much together why not share it. It’s a great way to try new things and you don’t have to worry about feeling uncomfortable because we aren’t cheating or trying things with new people. We use this as our way to become more and more connected. It has really become a great experience.

Communication Is Key

The key we would say is doing this together and NEVER assume something is ok or they won’t mind. He might be up for a request that night but I am not because of whatever happened with our kids that day. Before either of us agree to do something for a customer we ask the other… “Is it ok for me to make a video tonight” “So-and-so wants me to make a pic set of the new underwear they just ordered, would you help me or should I just use the camera stand.” We discuss what is going on before ever telling a customer yes or no. Somethings don’t really require a spouse sign off (nothing does in our house but we do it out of courtesy and respect as opposed to permission). If you are willing to do this (selling used items) with or without your partner then these are some things you need to think about. If you attack the “obstacles” of doing this kind of gig head-on and don’t shy away from them you will be much happier and ultimately more successful.

Collaborating As Husband & Wife Sellers

We have a client that is a fan of the male finish in the underwear he purchases. After explaining our situation he was not only turned on and excited by the idea that we were willing to do that for him but he became a client of my husband on Male Things Worn as well. Not only had he had underwear from both of us, but he also gets to experience as he said “both sides” of an encounter which as a voyeur like him is most awesome.

Be yourself but it’s ok to pretend to be someone you’re not for the fun and the experience. We look at it a look like acting. My husband is not gay at all but is happy to perform for the guys that request that of him. He wouldn’t do it in real life but I get turned on knowing that people around the world are enjoying him the way I do. He knows I’m not a DOM like some of the serious mistresses on here but he enjoys me coming out of my shell and demanding that guys do what I say when they ask me to take control.

Self-esteem, Self-confidence & Body Positive

I’m not sure I’m ready to tell him what to do yet the way I do buyers LOL but it has given us both a huge confidence boost, not only from a body positivity perspective but from a self-esteem standpoint as well. The point is we never would have found this amazing window of opportunity to grow and explore had we.

  • Not tried it out in the first place
  • Opened up the door for him to join and participate
  • Been as open with our communication about the wants and needs of us as a couple and the wants and needs of our clients on here.

Advice For Anyone Wanting To Start Selling Used Panties Whilst Having A Partner

Talk about what you will and won’t do. Talk with your spouse about when it is and is not appropriate for your relationship to provide items/content. Don’t get burned out because this market will not go away any time soon.

Have fun, explore, learn and grow.

By Sahm_i_am


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