Juggling Life, ATW, ADHD and Dyspraxia

Regina_desires By Regina_desires 1929 views 17th Aug 2023

Seller Sellers’ Perspective
Juggling Life, ATW, ADHD and Dyspraxia

Hi all, I am Regina-Desires. Not many people will know this about me, but I do have both ADHD as well as Dyspraxia. This is my first ever blog, so a little about me I have been on here now for a year and can't believe where the time has gone. I wanted to write this blog regarding my experience with ATW with ADHD and Dyspraxia, working a full-time job, coping with life, and studying for a degree part-time. I hope this also will help new sellers, that If I can do this, so can you.

What is ADHD and Dyspraxia?

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and Dyspraxia (developmental coordination disorder) are neurodevelopmental disorders that affect individuals differently. Here's a brief definition: ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that significantly interfere with daily functioning and development. Individuals with ADHD may have difficulty sustaining attention, organizing tasks, staying focused, following instructions, and controlling impulses.

Dyspraxia, also known as developmental coordination disorder (DCD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder that primarily affects motor coordination and planning. Individuals with Dyspraxia struggle with fine and gross motor skills, coordination, planning, organization, and memory. My daily struggles with Dyspraxia are simple takes like getting dressed, making breakfast, and spending all day concentrating all day at a screen. Dyspraxia can also impact cognitive skills, such as organization, planning, and memory.

How did I come across ATW?

I know you are all wondering how I started being a seller with ATW; -if I am honest, I joined last summer when I read an article about selling your underwear online. I had just heard of ATW when I googled where to sell used underwear. Then this site popped up and never turned back again. It was great at first as, at the time, I was going through a bad patch and lost my job, so this was a great place to be at first, even if I was only making one sell week if that. Also, at the time, it helped me with my anxiety issues. I do feel this was the best time for me to start selling on here as if I started selling on here while I was working, I don't think I would be able to stay focused and put in the effort that requires to start it off, just writing my bio was a challenge alone, mainly because I was not able to see if there were any type errors at first may not come across as professional.

Coping with a full-time job, studying and ATW

If you're someone with ADHD and Dyspraxia, you know that the journey of balancing work and studying can be challenging in itself; however, adding being a seller on ATW can add more challenges to my life.

It is hard most days to plan and organize my day and make sure I fit in enough time going to work, studying and, making time to update my shop regularly, go on the dashboard as well, contacting the lovely buyers on here. What has made life more challenging is I started a new journey in my life where I decided to do a degree online with a university; I always wanted to but was always advised by many people growing up that I won't be able to cope. When I started the course, I questioned how I would find time in my life to work 40 hours a week along with 20 hours studying, keeping my shop up to date, and being active with the buyers. I reminded myself how much I enjoyed conversing with the buyers and seeing the lovely sellers here. However, me taking a lot of my time, thinking if this is doable and if I can fit it in.

The challenges I face being on ATW

So the question I am sure to want is, what challenges can you face selling underwear? Well, you might not think of any; all you have to do is set up a bio, put a couple of pictures up on the items you wish to sell and then possibly contribute to the dashboard, message sellers how this can be a challenge. Running an online side business can be rewarding, offering flexibility and opportunities for personal growth.

However, combined with the challenges of ADHD and Dyspraxia, it can present unique obstacles. Having ADHD and Dyspraxia can make managing time effectively and staying organized challenging. Sometimes I need to remember to go on the site unless I make it a daily routine; another challenge I suffer daily is making sure my post on the dashboard, along with the items I post, has zero spelling and grammar mistakes. Also, there have been times when I have been so down and low my depression kicks in, and all I want to do is hide in my duvet, not get out of bed; I struggle to go to work or try and study, even think about finding time to go on ATW and come cross friendly and flirty when all I want to do is hide away. I feel down and struggle to go on the site and make an effort to contribute to the site, but I know if I miss a day or stay off too long, I move more out of the top sellers and find it harder to be noticed more. There have been times when I rush adding something that makes no sense. Why would anyone buy from me when I can't even spell write? It can defiantly make me have less self-stream.

How has ATW helped me get through it all?

Over the last year, being on this site and meeting some lovely sellers and buyers have helped in more ways than you realize.

Living with not just one mental health learning disability but two can be challenging, especially as I like to act normal. I don't want my work colleagues or non-close friend to know I have issues, as I hate being treated differently. So this can make my daily life tiring, and some days I must escape. This is a great place to see what all kinky things everyone is up to.

Another way this site has helped is by making friends. Having ADHD and Dyspraxia, I find it hard to make friends. Social difficulties can significantly impact social skills and interactions; as I have many struggles with impulsivity, problems paying attention, and hyperactivity, when I try to make friends in person, it puts people. Also, I can be known to speak very fast, and this can scare people away. So I found being on ATW has helped a lot as I have met some lovely buyers who not only become regular buyers but also have made some good friends, which has helped at times when I hit my low periods when life can be too much and I go into my depression state I can say I have been lucky to meet some lovely people on here that helped me get through the times. So I have to say, in the way life can be hard juggling personal life, studying, working and being on here, I wouldn't change it at all. It made me escape the real world sometimes.

By Regina_desires

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