Currently on a (very) limited buying stint... only managing maybe one (larger) order every couple of months at the moment 😭
40-something gamer, motorcyclist, IT sufferer, serial greyhound adopter, LEGO fan (but not quite fanatic).
Sub, masochist, chastity and denial lover, slowly emerging sissy. Love to play in person but it just never happens enough (damn you, bills).
Waif of a build at 32in waist & chest and size 8.5/9 (womens) shoes on a 5'7" /178cm frame. And can't do a damned thing about it 😡
Spend most of my time in front of screens of some description but if there's a chance to get out into the hills for a ride, then that's definitely a consideration. Getting too old, lazy or just unfit (can't blame the bike) for dedicated track days but still love to tear it up when the opportunity arises.
Of course, a chance to get on the bike means a chance to use a mask... or socks ... or other worn items... and not be able to escape 😈
But most importantly, absolute lover of kinks, curves and the wonderful scents of women.
Am an intermittent buyer and generally around the middle of the month.
Be warned - not a huge chatter (and can be slow to respond and my small talk is atrocious) but if there's something you've got that I'm interested in, you'll hear from me. May be ages though as I'm still trying to work on taking more off the saved list than I add 😂