Hello! And thank you for visiting. The tour begins shortly.
What I like (ranked in order of preference):
A sense of humor
What I do not like (ranked in order of distaste):
Aggressive sales
That thing they won't let you type in a bio, even if it's to say you don't like it.
Subject to change without notice.
If you've made it this far, I a**ume that you are still interested. Good. Want to know why I'm here? Keep reading.
I have been working with food for most of my life, and so I live and work intimately with my senses. I love the smell, taste, and touch of a woman. The scent of clean body odor is intoxicating. By choice, I have been without a partner for a long time. A body begins to miss the experience of intimacy and, through the kind and generous work of the women here, I am afforded the opportunity to fill that need. At least partly.
I need to make a connection with someone before I buy. I like to be mentally stimulated before I am physically stimulated and I don't mean s**ting and such. If I don't connect with someone there is no arousal for me, no matter how nice the body parts. I love the scent of fertile female pheromones, and the texture of high-quality fabrics. I prefer to see partners-- actual, virtual, real, or imaginary-- as equals. Dom/sub play is a turnoff for me, unless it's a turnon for her, then rules can change. I love giving pleasure as much as getting it. I prefer unshaven genitalia both for aesthetics and for wears. My oddest kink, I think, is that I am turned on by the use of proper names for body parts. "Put your penis in my vagina," for some reason is hotter to me than "put your c*ck in my pu**y." I can't explain it, it just is. And I adore the word "c**t," but not in a derogatory way.
I am not looking for a free GFE. I know your time is valuable and you are here to make money. If you don't want to take the time to connect, no problem. But don't expect to make a sale. I am a regular client of a couple of sellers here, but an intelligent, funny, sensual woman can turn my head. And my wallet.
Thanks for taking time to know a little about me. Please exit through the gift shop.