Affichage des images 1-20 sur 35.
Besitos a todos mis amores ♥️💋
When you’re mean to me, this is who you’re mean to 🤭
❤️🔥 Feliz dia del Amor y la Amistad ❤️🔥
“What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?” Me hopefully:
Lol that’s me! Happy Friday babes!
Good morning lovers ♥️🥱 I can’t wait to get some coffee and get this day over with!
I’m such a goodie two shoes during my regular day to day 🤭 🎀🩰
♥️ I love LOVE and cake and chocolate and the colors red, white, and pink, I just love everything about Valentine’s Day ♥️
Came home from my date to a sweet surprise 🥹 my first premium badge 😭♥️
New pfp before my favorite month and holiday!! Besitos a todos mis amores ♥️♥️♥️
Can y’all tell it’s cold? 🥶 someone warm me up please
Getting a trim today cause these locks are getting out of hand!
⭐️ These panties are getting shipped tomorrow but I have plenty more in my armoire ⭐️
These cuties have already been claimed, but we can find you another pair ⭐️
Soaking my nails off today and debating on getting a new set IMMEDIATELY 😭😭😭
Ok but how cute is my lil bod in this screenshot? 😍
Nobody speak to me today unless it’s to 1) compliment how my hair came out, 2) tell me how unfair it is that my school is in session this week, or 3) to say “I love you goddess, take all my money” 😌