775 Followers - 623 Following - 25 Badges
Gender: Male
Age: 25-30
Joined: 2 years ago
Profile Visits: 47339
Added a new photo > Congratulations to @Cheeky23 for guessing the correct number 👏👏👏
Added a new photo > 8th DAY PART 2 BOARD UPDATE ❗️new pinned post, ONE GUESS surely someone's going to get it by now
Added a new photo > 8th DAY BOARD UPDATE ❗️new pinned post, Still no winner yet 🤭🤭
Added a new photo > 7th DAY BOARD UPDATE ❗️new pinned post, cum on sellers someone has to guess the correct number soon 🤭🤭❤️❤️
Added a new photo > 6th DAY BOARD UPDATE ❗️new pinned post, sorry I didn't post an update yesterday I was in too much pain and went to bed early last ❤️
Added a new photo > 4th DAY BOARD UPDATE ❗️new pinned post, come on sellers surely someone has to guess the number soon 🤭🤭
Added a new photo > ❗️ 3rd DAY BOARD UPDATE ❗️from now on guess the number on the pinned
Added a new photo > ❗️❗️NUMBER GAME❗️❗️ Sellers only, you have to guess the right number. The winner will win a prize 🥰 also there is only one guess per day
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