So, here we are again...
Back by popular demand...
Ok Ok, so no one actually *demanded* I return. But we're here now and you didn't block me in time, so let's just make the most of it shall we?
Don't let my charming exterior fool you - I make no claims of being the most prolific, or the most generous or the kindest buyer on the site. That all seems like a lot of work...
Get to know me and you too can expect these exciting highlights:
My track record of replying to messages is patchy at best, and I have been known to have a bit of a tantrum and go quiet for a while
I'll sometimes expect you to just know what I'm thinking without me messaging you
If I think you are annoyed with me I'll keep poking you, y'know, just to be sure.
Possessive and jealous in a way that is completely wrong for a site like this - To describe me as one of your favourites is THE worst thing...
I do seem to have this knack of keeping myself just out of your block list - you'll probably be irritated by me, but I'm not that bad. Usually.
Overall... 2/5 - Would not recommend.
But unfortunately...If you've made it this far, it's probably already too late, and you probably want to message me just to know WTF I am on about. And that's how it starts.... Mwuhahaha!!!
Congratulations everyone. We made it to the weekend!
Now here's the plan for tomorrow.
1. Join me for the day relishing in my international playboy lifestyle, with plenty of good food, and more than a bit of wine 2. Dancing, flirting, miscellaneous cavorting 3. Late night drunken wisdom sharing 4. Find designated driver 5. 2am trip to the garage/takeaway/24 hr Asda 6. Snack purchasing. 7. Back to mine for some wholesome sex, then sleep in till a scandalously late hour on Sunday.