Photos 12 images

Showing 1-12 of 12 images.

The contrast!! I choose to work with seller number two, she knows what's up! πŸ‘

Friday thought of the day... πŸ’¨ Enjoy yourselves out there!

Looks like the majority have spoken.

Happy Thick-Ass Thursday, all! Enjoy yourselves, we are almost there! 😁

Happy @TesticalTuesday Keep the love bouncing!

Eating makes everything better.

My buddy the mantis, ready to pounce. He and I share so many similar traits. 😁

Just did my lips. How do they look?

I can't help but think of these everytime I see fake eyelashes on someone... Vroom Vroom!

Just chilling out my front door this morning...

Yep, pretty accurate.

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