
Jack_Wack US

5.0 (36)

Photos 9 images

Showing 1-9 of 9 images.

I love this type of joke. Another favorite of mine is "She strogan on my beef till I'm off"

When she says "I already have dinner prepared"

I've broken top 10 on the buyers list! Currently placed 8th, my last best was rank 13. Goal is still top 5 one day

Who else lives in the C.U.M zone?

I took the bdsm test for the 2nd time, after looking at my old results I felt that it wasn't really who I was, this seems much more like me

Wish this was real titty milk in my titty cup, but it's sadly just the flavor name

I reached top 10% of buyers! Next goal, top 5%

Top 15 in top buyers this week! (I placed #13, I counted) Looking forward to being on here some time in the future, and to all the lovely ladies selling, keep doing what you're doing!

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