Reviews 4 members

Showing 1-4 of 4 reviews

So kind, so paitent approached knowing exactly what he wanted and explained in detail. paid with no issues very promt
Welcome back any time x

One of my all time favourites on here. I’m still not sure how someone can simultaneously be a total gentleman and absolutely filthy. He always leaves me a hot mess and I can’t wait for him to receive my stinky items 🥰
He also has the best chat I’ve ever seen on ATW and just ticks all of the boxes of a good buyer. I would recommend to anyone, but I also want to keep him to myself 🤭

CT xx

Lovely chap to talk to, very kind and respectful. Hope to work with you again soon 😘

PoshMilf UK

4mos ago

Right time, right place. Lucky fella has an aromatic package on its way courtesy of a sweet lil sub. Nice guy to chat with. Hope you enjoy. Drop by my DMs any time x

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