Please do forgive me if i take a while to response to you.
Also do know this that I don't buy from non-verified Users, so if you are not verified i will not be buying from you until that is done. Its for my own safety.
Also note that I don't buy right off the bat. I like to conversate and getting to know the seller and what's on the table and what is off the table as well. So don't expect me to buy right away.
If you dont like have genuine conversations and wait a long time see If I may buy or not. Then save yourself time and dont message.
Also do know if you give me small answers like "yes or no" in each message when I send you a Great question or a paragraph. just know that yes i will leave you on read if i see that. Cause that makes me feel that you just want to sell and youre not interested on knowing how i want my things done or even care at all to conversate as a decent human being and get to know one another. cause I like cobersating and going into detail and knowing the person, its make it all mor personal to me and that is my weakness for buying.
I also dont reply right away when introducing yourself with a big a** paragraph, i appreciate it tho, it does Helps me know you a little bit, But i will only reply to those Paragraphs if i see something i like other than that i wont reply to big Paragraphs when you are introducing yourself, Do note tho that i DO read them and then later check out what you got in store.
I don't judge anyone or anything, so please respect me and don't judge me either, so whatever is said in my DMs STAYS in my DMs ^-^☺️🤭😌😏🙈😍
Credit to @Kitsuke for the bio. Sums it up very well. Thanks Kitsuke!