I need to point out a few things here.
Some subs on this site might enjoy or are triggered by rude and disrespectful approach or even blackmail. That does NOT work for me. Even though I believe in female superiority I do not consider myself anyones slave.
Please feel free to message me but especially in first approach I'd like to ask for a decent ammount of respect. Furthermore, I do not answer to messages that require payment. I do realize of course that you are here to earn money, and I am always open for offers and suggestions, but just as in real life thats does sometimes require a bit of conversation first.
I definitely do not want to steal anyones time and certainly do not want to insult someone or become the cause for a bad mood, but I needed to point that out.
If that is something you are not willing to accept I'd like to ask you to just ingnore me and look for another sub who suits those needs better than me.