Reviews 15 members

Showing 11-15 of 15 reviews

Madeline05 DE

10mos ago

0/5 Stars. He is blocking people before he completes the order

Becca US

11mos ago

He knew what he wanted, he’s very sweet and paid fast! You’re welcome anytime! 😉

Amazing buyer to work with, patient with response times due to time difference! Knew what he wanted and what he was looking for, paid promptly and was lovely to talk to ❤️❤️ I very much enjoyed creating his order 🥵 I hope he comes back for more! Ladies treat him well xxx

Fun and easy to work with. Buyer knew what they wanted and paid promptly! 10/10 would recommend 💋

Deleted Review

Deleted User

1yr ago

It was so fun working with him! Knew exactly what he wanted and had no issues 🫶🏻 I am so excited for the future for us!

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