Looking for pi*s and c*m underwear or Videos.
I do not pay a fee for chats, leave me a note where to contact you if you want to offer me something but have a chat fee.
What I am looling for in a video:
- You frontal view, clothed in your favourite style(up to you, whatever feels natural to you).
- a Gla** no color and preferably without texture, should be clear. Winegla** is also fine or beer gla** as long as it has a clear side.
What you would do:
- 1. fully dressed whip your d*ck out of your pants and pi*s in the gla**.
- 2. pull your pants down and underwear, and start jerking off and c*m into to gla** with pi*s.
- 3. get dressed again and walk away.
More info:
- please dont drink extra, the more yellow your pi*s the better :)
- no cuts in the video (one take),
- length of the video does not matter (you can c*m as quick, or slow as you want)
- dont throw the gla** immediately. Take some pics of the pi*s and c*m in the gla**, good quality close ups.
-you can moan, be silent, breath heavily or not, that is up to you.